Finding the right time to buy, and dealing with all the hassle that comes along with the purchase – will buying in the UK ever get any easier?

While trying to think about how best to serve our community, we know many people will have a lot of questions right now about what can continue and what can’t. While we don’t have all the answers, we can still advise to the best of our ability on property related needs and transactions. We have compiled our most asked questions by landlords...

The lockdown has created many challenges we could not even have imagined a couple of months ago. From spending your day in a busy work environment to suddenly having to try and work around a busy home where kids are being home-schooled, your pet wants attention, and trying to have a private Zoom call is virtually impossible.

Now it is clear that lock-down is set for another few weeks, we now have set plans for how Oakwood homes can continue to operate to provide the very best service in these very difficult times. We understand of course that everyone is affected in different ways, so we will offer all we can do to help you in your specific circumstances.

Staying at home is a challenge, staying away from family and friends but also keeping up with new ideas to keep the whole family occupied. Many of us are embracing this time as precious as we are getting quality time with the ones we love even if there is a little or big niggle now and again.

While trying to think about how best to serve our community, we know many people will have a lot of questions right now about what can continue and what can’t. While we don’t have all the answers, we can advise to the best of our ability on property related needs and transactions. We have compiled our most asked questions by buyers and sellers...

A 99-year-old war veteran has walked 100 laps of his garden to raise more than £12m for the NHS.

If you know anyone in the NHS or working as a key-worker and you think they deserve a holiday, nominate them to win a free weekend at Centre Parcs with our NHS competition...

Although the pause button has been pressed for many of us, that does not mean that life has stopped. Having to spend so much time at home may have even started conversations about future moves when normality resumes.

While stuck indoors, you may be noticing all the small things that have gone ignored for years. From squeaky doors to new paint, these little jobs to complete in lockdown may not only make life more bearable but ensure your home sells for more money later! Check them out below…

Whether its lockdown or the rain that’s driving you indoors, use these creative ideas to still have the best Easter egg hunt yet!

These are tough times. We all know of many people suffering right now, but there are things we can do to show our support to those local people in business around us. Here area few ideas that we've come up with that you might find helpful.