New Year New Start-top tips for planning a house move in 2023
New year is a time to reset and refresh things. Perhaps a new diet or exercise regimen or financial goals to aim for. But more often than not, these plans are simply too ambitious. Statistically, less than a third of new year's resolutions are still being followed in March. But one goal that you can definitely stick to is moving house.
The property market slows down in the lead-up to Christmas as attention is directed to shopping for and wrapping gifts and preparing and cooking food.
But, once that's all out of the way, our thoughts turn to making plans. If there has been any discussion in your family about possibly moving house in 2023, these plans will start to formulate in those in-between days from boxing day and new year's eve.
Between boxing day and new years eve, there is a general lull in activity. No formal plans are made, you are living off Christmas dinner leftovers, and you're not entirely sure what day of the week it is.
During these days, your mind will start contemplating the future house move. What can you do to make this plan come to fruition?
First, you need a property valuation, which can be done instantly online. You can find out a rough value of your property in 60 seconds from the comfort of your living room. Armed with this information, you can consider what is available on the property market.
Are there any properties on the market that you might be interested in? Look at the estate agent's websites and register your information so that you are notified of new properties as they are instructed to the market.
There may be some properties that seem perfect for you and your family, exactly what you've been looking for. So, why not book viewing appointments and get a feel for what is available.
Make a start on decluttering whilst taking down the Christmas decorations. Don't stop with the tree and lights. Carry on and clear out some drawers and cupboards. Perhaps go through your wardrobe or the kids' toy boxes and see what you can take to the charity shops. Ahead of photoshoots and viewing appointments on your home, you will want to declutter as much as possible. Cluttered properties look smaller than they really are and can distract viewers' attention so that they don't take in the property fully. This can negatively impact your chances of getting an excellent offer for your property. Decluttering and doing those little DIY jobs that you've been putting off can pay dividends.
If you are considering moving house in 2023, get in touch with our team of experts, who will help you through the process and move into your dream home. Why not start with an instant online valuation of your property to get you started?