Selling your home? How to handle kids during the summer holidays

Selling your home? How to handle kids during the summer holidays

Need help figuring out how to manage viewing appointments whilst the children are off school in the summer holidays? Read this article for tips…

By the end of the summer term our kids are desperate for a break. They are exhausted, and their teachers look increasingly bedraggled at each school pickup.

After the first week of chilling out after a long year of school, the first weekend taking it easy, you have to navigate childcare alongside work and everyday life for 6 whole weeks. It can seem like forever. And if your home is on the market for sale, it can feel impossible to navigate - you might even be thinking about waiting until the kids have returned to school in September before putting your property on the market or accepting viewings.

The summer holidays are so long that they can really impact your moving plans if you try to avoid marketing your property during the school break. So, rather than putting your plans on hold, how can you manage selling your property during the kids' summer school holidays?

·     Consider summer camps: Usually, for a week at a time, summer camps will entertain your children during work hours—they will do sports, crafts, and games, leaving you to carry on with your normal work routine.

·     Childcare share: If you need to take a week off, buddy up with a friend or family member and have their children, too. Then, they can reciprocate and have your kids for a week, too.

·     Incentivise your children to keep their rooms tidy: While largely frowned upon, bribery could be the answer to saving your sanity. Whether you opt for pocket money, treats, days out, or screen time, rewarding the children for keeping their rooms tidy during the holidays will mean that you don't feel dread every time the agents call with a viewing appointment to arrange.

·     Arrange with your agent a particular day of the week for viewings, meaning you only have one day to sort the property out. Opt for either early morning viewing appointments so that the kids haven't had time to make a mess yet or later in the afternoon so that you have the time to get the property ready.

Sadly, when trying to sell your property during the summer holidays is not the time for messy crafts. Try to entertain the children with something that doesn't involve glue, paints or glitter so that it is simple to keep the house clean.

Don't take it too seriously. If you are selling a family home, viewers are likely to have children, too. They will understand that kids are off school and that it is tricky. Their own children have likely left toys lying around their home, too.

If your children are old enough, they can play with the viewer's children in the garden while you conduct a viewing with their parents. This will also help to get the viewer's children on board with the property and could even help to sway them into making an offer if their kids have a fun time.

If you can persuade your kids to keep their rooms tidy and arrange childcare for a few days a week, you should have no problem being able to have viewing appointments at your home.

Don't wait until September to get your home on the market. There is no need to delay until the end of the holidays. You will only delay your actual move as the legal process can take time once you accept an offer.

If you are thinking about putting your property on the market for sale, contact our team of experts, who can help you navigate the process smoothly. Call us on 01843 222701 or email

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